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It’s a kind of magic.
Last Friday we celebrated the New Year with 60 of our long-term trainers at Keizer Culinair in Den Haag (thank you Keizer Culinair, it was a great night). During the main course I was talking with two of our trainers about “magic” ; what is that something special that makes one language training company better than another and how can you demonstrate its relevance to a client.
In a price-sensitive market, the need to be competitive means that someone, somewhere, always pays the price. In our sector, it’s usually the trainer. However, I believe that individuals and teams perform better when they are rewarded properly and treated with dignity and respect and this is the foundation The Square Mile is built upon. The fact that most of our clients stay with us year in, year out, is testimony to my fantastic team of Account Managers and our wonderful, dedicated trainers who definitely go the extra mile for us and our clients. But does this amount to tangible “magic”? Last Friday, the answer was definitely YES. As we all sat down to eat a meal that we had prepared together, one our trainers spontaneously stood up and started to sing and the whole group joined in. Why? She felt happy, valued and comfortable with us and that made her want to sing. And boy, can she sing.
I’m not sure how many language institutes have events where trainers burst out in song, but I’m pretty sure it’s quite special and it certainly felt like magic. Now I just have to work out how to bottle it!
Richard Brame, Director, The Square Mile
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