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Do you sometimes wonder whether your emails are hitting the mark? Do they encourage a positive response or do you get an answer you’d not expected? Often, we employ irritating phrases in our emails inadvertently. Email communication is a minefield because you don’t see how people are reacting
If you’ve sent a well-intentioned email that elicited a curt response, you may well guilty of this common pitfall. From “as you are aware” to “please advise”, email exchanges can be a social puzzle, where using the wrong word or phrase at the wrong moment can easily cause offence or annoyance…
Want to know more? Read the full article on BBC Capital – How to avoid writing irritating emails.
How India changed the English language
How India changed the English language For hundreds of years, words have flowed along the routes of trade and empire. Rahul Verma follows some of their remarkable journeys. They...
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CEF of ERK language training, for maximum results
CEF of ERK language training, for maximum results Just what does CEF mean for me? Matching needs and levels to maximise results. Once you’ve decided to take a language...
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Getting the most out of a language course – Practice makes perfect
Getting the most out of a language course – Practice makes perfect Taking language lessons is really only half the battle. Yes, you’ll improve through the lessons themselves, but...
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