(Business) Dutch courses
Good language skills are just as important in the Netherlands as in any other country. Speaking and writing good Dutch helps you connect with your team, develop your network and opens up employment opportunities whether you are an expat or local employee. Would you like to develop or improve your Dutch skills? Follow a business Dutch course, technical Dutch or foundation Dutch course from The Square Mile. Tailored to your needs.
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From a foundation Dutch course for expats to a financial Dutch writing course
Colleagues, partners and clients notice excellent language skills. The ability to speak Dutch coherently and write a clear, concise text sets you apart whatever your background, business sector or nationality. The Square Mile provides Dutch courses for financial executives, ICT professionals, shipbuilders, CEO’s and cleaners, always in-company, tailored to your specific needs and availability. Whether you are looking to pass the Dutch NT2 exams or get started in Dutch, we can help.
Dutch language training designed to meet your needs
There are many providers of Dutch courses around the country. Our approach is distinguished by our commitment to bespoke training. Level, learning objectives, duration, planning and methodology are all tailored to your needs to ensure maximum return on your investment. Why? Because our clients demand it. Whether you are a CEO who needs to follow an intensive Dutch course or a pharmaceutical company needing to improve the skills of your team on the factory floor, The Square Mile can help.
Dutch courses for native Dutch speakers
The Square Mile also offers Dutch programmes for native speakers. With the language constantly developing, reviewing your spelling, grammar, readability and business style is not a luxury but a necessity. Please contact us for more details of our Correct Nederlands programmes which can be offered as either full courses or shorter workshops.
The foundation Dutch course is intended for participants with little or no knowledge of Dutch. You focus initially on developing simple routines, vocabulary and structures to communicate in daily situations for example in a shop or at the station. The reading and writing aspects focus on simple, reoccurring themes such as completing standard forms and short e-mails. Your personal background and learning context determines as much of the choice of materials as possible. The programme takes between 40 and 60 hours, split across lessons of 2 to 3 hours over 2 to 16 weeks. Individual or group format, in-company.
You already have a simple knowledge of Dutch and can determine words, sentences and phrases related to daily activities. Your A2 level Dutch course aims to develop your knowledge and skills in a simple business environment. Answering the phone, finding out a little about people, following instructions, writing basic e-mails and conducting exchanges are all part of the programme. Specific aspects of your work take a more prominent position in the course as we start to use your own materials more often i.e. technical manuals, price lists, product line-ups, safety protocols or organisational charts. The programme takes between 40 and 60 hours, split across lessons of 2 to 3 hours over 2 to 16 weeks. Individual or group format, in-company.
Your command of Dutch allows you to have short conversations and read short letters, e-mails or adverts within a clear context. This B1 level Business Dutch programme aims to improve your speaking skills so you can function in your work within the context of daily situations. Giving instructions, presenting your products and services succinctly, offering opinions, agreeing and disagreeing and developing a working knowledge of writing conventions are examples of linguistic functions covered. Use of your daily materials and situations allows your trainer to tailor more of the content to your needs, moving towards a more free-flowing use of Dutch. The programme takes between 30 and 40 hours, split across lessons of 2 to 3 hours over 2 to 16 weeks. Individual or group format, in-company.
You can function in your job within clear boundaries and with the help of your counterparts. If you now want to expand your ability to communicate effectively and with increasing accuracy then this B2 level Business Dutch programme is for you. The programme focuses on developing vocabulary, style and tone when dealing with more difficult situations, providing clear, coherent passages of speech or text and making fewer mistakes. Your business context takes a more central position in the course as you learn to be more fluent and confident in a broader business environment. Together with your trainer you decide the emphasis of the course. The programme takes between 30 and 40 hours, split across lessons of 2 to 3 hours over 2 to 16 weeks. Individual or group format, in-company.
This C1 level Business Dutch programme takes your language skills to a new level. Nuance, style and tone become ever more important as you learn to present more effectively, negotiate competently and write structured, accurate reports and recommendations in Dutch. Your trainer encourages you to broaden and deepen your active vocabulary and you develop the language skills to be able to lead and manage meetings and exchanges more effectively in both familiar and unfamiliar situations and contexts. The programme becomes a co-production between the participant(s) and the trainer, and takes between 30 and 40 hours, split across lessons of 2 to 3 hours over 2 to 16 weeks. Individual or group format, in-company.
In your profession, at your level in the organisation, “good” is not enough. You aim to speak Dutch fluently, spontaneously and with conviction, flair and confidence. This C2 level business Dutch programme stimulates you to draw on all your knowledge and push your Dutch to the highest possible (near-native) level. Writing becomes second nature, error free and professional and your language skills form no barrier to you deploying your full knowledge and ability. The programme is a co-production between the participant(s) and the trainer, and takes between 30 and 40 hours, split across lessons of 2 to 3 hours over 2 to 16 weeks. Individual or group format, in-company.
Have you recently arrived in the Netherlands and are looking to stay for a significant period? You may be obliged to sit the NT2 and naturalisation exams. The Square Mile can help you both learn Dutch for either NT2 level 1 or level 2 and prepare you for the various exams you will be required to sit.
Our programmes are always tailor-made and are generally commissioned by companies or organisations. Would you like to know more? Please contact us for more details.