Business Services
The service sector covers a multitude of activities. Our clients include accountants, PR professionals, lobby organisations, relocation agencies, cleaners, facility management companies and marketeers. Whatever their background, they provide excellent service to their clients in Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Italian or Russian. Strengthen your relationships with a business language training programme from The Square Mile.
Contact usOur experience in your sector
Full sector overviewBusiness language training builds relationships
Service companies understand the value of a strong relationship with clients. Nothing reinforces this more than literally speaking your client’s language. Our training managers demonstrate our own commitment to this principle, organising more than 600 programmes a year for our clients. Efficient, effective and most important, tailored to the client’s every need.
A business language training programme from The Square Mile is a guarantee of quality, service and a good return on your investment in time and money. Our trainers are all experienced multilinguists who quickly understand your needs and learning style. They deliver flexible, focused programmes with a high level of practical application for your background. Our programmes are usually in-company and can be followed as an individual or group of colleagues and in most languages.
How can we be of service?