
The manufacturing sector designs and develops high value products for clients throughout the world. Frequent contact with clients, suppliers and partners is crucial in the sales and client management process. Ratchet up your language skills with a technical German, English or French course or one of our other programmes.

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Our experience in your sector

Full sector overview

Succesfully communicate in technical German, French or English

Our clients produce robotics systems, ships, steel, chemicals, windmills and high-tech machines, almost always in collaboration with international partners and for the export market. Their markets stretch from Germany to Mexico, North Africa to Brazil. Their common success factor? Their language skills ensure they can communicate effectively and build relationships wherever they go. The vast majority of our clients return year in year out as they have learnt that a choice for The Square Mile is a choice for quality, efficient, productive programmes which enable their staff to be deployed around the globe or communicate with technical contacts by phone or e-mail wherever and whenever they need .

Would you like to produce multilingual employees? Please contact us for more information.